

As of April 6, 2023, the CSU has revised the COVID-19 vaccination requirement. 修订后的政策强烈建议将疫苗作为帮助预防严重疾病的安全措施, but no longer requires the vaccine to enroll. 你可以浏览 修改后的政策 在这里. 有关COVID预防措施和其他健康信息的更多信息,请访问 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Health Watch 页面.


是的. Academic advising is required for course registration, 你第一次与导师见面的机会将是在面对面的培训期间. 参加培训的学生可以在没有参加培训的学生之前注册课程.

是的. Keep in mind that while the campus may not be completely new to you, t在这里 are some things that may have changed since you were last enrolled, including resource information, 办公室的位置, and the quarter-to-semester conversion. 另外, depending on when you were last a student, 在及时毕业的道路上,你可能需要遵循一些具体的指导方针.


暂时被录取的学生已经清除了入学确认押金(ECD),将收到一封电子邮件,说明如何报名参加第一次飞行培训课程. These emails will be delivered to both your personal and 加州大学洛杉矶分校 student email 账户. You may also access the Orientation reservation site from your Student Portal, under the "Orientation Reservations" icon.

The Priority Sign-Up date for Orientation varies based on your admit term:

  • 2024年冬季: 2024年12月16日
  • 2024年秋季录取: 2024年6月5日

Orientation dates are first come, 先得, and once dates are filled, it is not guaranteed that new dates will be opened. 我们鼓励学生按照所有步骤和指示尽快完成他们的预订.

在收到邀请邮件之前,您将无法注册迎新课程. If you recently paid your ECD, 大约需要3至4个工作天将您的资料导入入学预约系统. 如果有的话 been over a week, and you are still receiving the same message, please email us and include your CIN, and we will help troubleshoot the issue.

如果您被要求参加首次飞行培训,您将只会收到一封电子邮件邀请. Post-baccalaureate/second degree, 研究生, 洛杉矶市中心校区的学生不需要参加首次飞行培训.

  • If you've cleared the ECD, and you still haven't received an email regarding Orientation, 您可能需要检查您的ECD付款是否已存入您的银行账户. 如果有的话 not, then it may not have been credited to your student account yet.
  • 如果有的话, please check your SPAM or JUNK folders in your email, as it is possible that the email was sent, 但是被误导了.
  • 最后, 如果您已经清除了您的ECD要求,并且该电子邮件不在您的垃圾/垃圾邮件文件夹中, 您也可以查看您的学生门户网站链接到新生入学预约系统.

Please also be sure you are checking your 加州大学洛杉矶分校 student email account. If none of these solutions work, please contact our office with your name and CIN so we can help troubleshoot.



请注意 that t在这里 are options for payment deferment, 不是付款豁免. 延期将允许你推迟你的入学培训付款,直到经济援助开始支付之后. 这将允许你使用经济援助资金直接支付迎新费, should you choose/if you are able to do so. 不幸的是, we do not offer a fee waiver, 你将负责全额支付迎新费(以及任何客人费用)。. 您将在入学考试预约系统中找到如何选择延期选项的说明. Please contact our office if you have any additional questions.

网上入学预约系统只接受信用卡/借记卡及电子支票付款. 在线信用卡/借记卡付款将被评估为服务,而在线电子支票付款则不会被评估为服务. If you would like to pay with cash or money order, 你可以到学生服务大楼二楼的一站式金融服务办公室办理. 您需要在支付现金时出示预定入学日期的证明. One-Stop accepts cash payments only; personal checks will not be accepted. Credit/debit card payments are only accepted online.

入学费用不会自动退款,必须在公布的截止日期之前以书面形式要求退款. To be eligible, you must meet the following criteria:

如果您在参加首次飞行培训后被撤销或选择撤回您的申请, you will unfortunately not be eligible for a refund.

Refunds are paid by check and are mailed to the address on file for you. Refund processing and mailing can take 14-21 business days.

No, Financial Aid does not automatically cover either of these costs. 然而, 如上所述, if you choose to use the Orientation Fee Deferment option, 你可以推迟这两项费用的支付,直到经济援助款项已经支付. You may then choose to use your refund to cover these costs.


您将在入学指导会议(面对面指导)或与学院学术和/或部门顾问的单独小组咨询会议(远程指导)中了解您应该学习的具体课程。. 您也可以查看可用的课程,并了解有关课程注册过程的更多信息 让网站.

新生咨询和注册将在面对面指导期间以小组形式进行. Be sure to complete the Pre-Orientation, 在小组咨询会议上提出足彩外围网站课程的任何问题,以便最大限度地利用你的预约. Once the semester begins, 如果您需要额外的帮助,您可以与指定的顾问安排一对一的约会.

新生:你可以在入学前联系招生办更改专业(截止日期适用)。, or on the day of your in-person Orientation. An academic advisor will need to assist you with making the official change.

转学/返校学生:在参加新生培训之前,您将无法更改专业. 这意味着你需要参加与你申请足彩外围网站时选择的专业相对应的入学指导会议. 请注意,转学生应该攻读他们被录取的专业, 并且在入学第一学期之前不允许更改专业.


家长和家庭支持者被邀请与他们的新生一起参加首次飞行培训. 支持者迎新活动将与新生迎新活动同时举行,时间相同. 转学生, 在预定的面对面会议期间,客人的可用性有限.

T在这里 is a fee for guests to attend Orientation. Freshman students are permitted up to two (2) guests, but please know that available guest seats are first come, 先得, and once capacity is reached, families will have to select a different open date. Transfer students are permitted one (1) guest only, please. 未完成报到的客人将不允许参加迎新活动, so please be sure to confirm your registration prior to arriving on campus.

For new freshmen, First Flight Orientation is a 2-day overnight program. 学校鼓励但不要求学生在学校宿舍过夜. 选择不过夜的学生将负责在课程的第二天返回校园. Some meals are included; see more details in the Orientation reservation system.

Transfer and returning students will have a 1-day Orientation experience. The day begins at approx. 8 am, and students are expected to participate for the entire day. Please see more details in the Orientation reservation system, and direct any additional questions to our office.


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